Historical Background
From 1937 to 1971, the municipality of Ilagan was served by waterworks system constructed by the Bureau of Public Works (BPW) in 1936. Operations and management was handled by the municipal government until was taken over by the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority or NAWASA in 1955.
The major components of the original waterworks system included three spring intake boxes in Brgy. Fuyo, two ground reservoirs, treatment facilities, transmission and distribution lines and valves and other appurtenances. From 1958 to 1963, two deep wells and pumping stations were constructed in Brgy. Baculud and Brgy. Guinatan under the management of NAWASA. The Guinatan deep well (was then called Monico Deep well) was later rehabilitated in 1978. However, the Baculud Deep Well and the Monico Deep Well were later abandoned due to poor water quality.
In 1971, the water system ceased operation due t a flood that damaged the transmission line which crossed Pinacanauan River and the break down of the pumps. The transmission pipe was replaced in 1977 but was again damaged in 1978. No further repairs were done after this.
The Ilagan Water District (CIWD) was formed on February 9, 1978 by virtue of Resolution No. 06 passed by the Sanggunian Bayan of Ilagan. The district covers lands within the political boundaries of Ilagan. In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 198 (P.D. 198) or the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973, the ILA-WD acquired ownership and management of the entire system, after its formation.
The establishment of the CIWD was for the purposes o acquiring, installing, improving, operating and maintaining the water supply including treatment facilities. The Water District can obtain financial and technical assistance from the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) in performing these functions. PD 198 provides that the Water District, once financially self-sufficient, shall eventually operate on its own.
The Conditional Certificate of Conformance (CCC) No. 90 was awarded to the ILA-WD on August 30, 1979 by LWUA after the Water District had complied with LWUA's minimum requirement for the certificate program. This certificate entitles the ILA-WD to all rights and privileges authorized under PD No. 198.
A feasibility study was undertaken by LWUA-Motor Columbus Consulting Engineers in 1982. The implementation of the Intermediate Improvement Program and Phase I was started in 1985. From December 1985 to September 1986, about 6.6km of transmission and distribution lines were laid, fire fighting facilities and service connections were installed within the existing service and the expanded areas and the old reservoir in Osmeña was repaired. Now, the ILA-WD had laid its transmission & distribution mains along South Francisca Subdivision, Phase II, Greenheights Subdivision, Lily Amurao Homes, National High-way, San Felipe, Osmeña, Bagumbayan, Sto. Tomas, Guinatan, Brgy. Sta. Barbara, Camunatan, Baligatan, Calamagui 1st and 2nd, Arubanguib, Baculud, Bliss Village, Alibagu, Centro Poblacion and NHA Phase I San Felipe, Ilagan, Isabela and 24 hydrants.
In the last quarter of 2010 and in early 2011, CIWD had a complete rehabilitation of eight (8) of the existing wells: Bliss, NHA, Sto. Tomas 1, Baligatan, Sergio, PMS, San Vicente (Pilot) and Upper Osmeña pumping stations. The rehabilitation improved the performance of the well, increased the average rate and improved the quality of water of the wells.